2. Cabinet has considered the Draft Board of Investment Bill which provides for the establishment of a Board of Investment for the promotion and facilitation of investments in Mauritius and which would act inter alia as a one-stop service for the relevant permits in connection therewith to be obtained expeditiously from public sector agencies.
3. Cabinet has approved 26 applications for registration as Small and Medium Enterprises. Investment to the tune of Rs14M, including Rs296,000 for Rodrigues, will be made in a number of projects including paper-processing and manufacture of paper products, ready-made garments, wooden furniture, shoes and leather products, and gold and silver wares, which will create job opportunities for about 50 persons.
4. The Government has decided to ratify the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No.182). In this connexion, a memorandum will be tabled in the National Assembly.
The Convention requires ratifying Member States to design and implement programmes of action to eliminate the worst forms of child labour as a priority and to establish or designate appropriate mechanisms for monitoring implementation of the Convention, in consultation with employers’ and workers’ organisations.
5. Cabinet has agreed to contribute to the share capital of the PTA Reinsurance Company launched by COMESA through the acquisition of 100 shares amounting to around Rs3.5 million.
6. Cabinet has been apprised that the Ministry of Environment will organise a series of activities from 3 to 10 June to mark the World Environment Day on 5 June. The theme chosen by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) this year is "The Environment Millenium - Time to Act". In Mauritius the activities will mainly focus on protection of the sea.
7. Cabinet has been apprised of the constitution of the Jewellery Advisory Council with Ms Vylet Moutia as Chairperson.
8. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the Global Forum on "Local Governance and Social Services for All" which was held from 2 to 5 May, 2000 in Stockholm, Sweden. The Forum was attended by the Minister of Local Goverrment, Outer Islands Development and Small and Medium Enterprises and Handicraft.