1. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly of the Trust Fund for the Shelter for Women and Children in Distress Bill to provide for the establishment of a Trust Fund to set up and operate shelters for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.
2. Cabinet has approved the grant of 2 Export Enterprise Certificates and 3 Pioneer Status Enterprise Certificates under the Industrial Expansion Act, 1993. The implementation of the five projects would create some 89 job opportunities and would entail investment amounting to around
Rs 22 Million.
3. Cabinet has approved the grant of a Regional Headquarters Certificate under the Development Incentives (Regional Headquarters Scheme) Regulations 2000 for the provision of three core headquarters services related to broker networks, information technology and investment services to South Africa and neighbouring countries. The implementation of the project would create some 12 job opportunities and would entail investment amounting to around Rs 5 Million.
4. With a view to cope with the increase in demand for quality health services, Cabinet has agreed to the upgrading of Dr Jeetoo Hospital, through the construction of a new operating theatre block comprising four operating theatres, a two-storeyed block for medical and nursing staff, and a three-storeyed building of about a 10,800 square metres to house the various units. The project would cost around US$25M. Financial assistance would be solicited from the African Development Bank.
5. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius ratifying the SADC Protocol on Wildlife Conservation and Law Enforcement, the primary objective of which is the adoption by SADC member States of common approaches to the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources and the effective enforcement of laws governing these resources.
6. Cabinet has been apprised of the constitution, under the National Archives Act, 1999, of the National Archives Advisory Council with
Mr G.L. Easton as Chairman.