1. Cabinet has taken cognizance of a report submitted by the National Drainage Committee set up to look into causes of flooding in various parts of the island and to carry out an audit of all drainage system. A comprehensive study of major flood prone areas will be conducted by the Ministry of Public Utilities to identify the extent of flooding and the inconvenience encountered by inhabitants, and proposed programme of works to reduce flooding in those areas. The Local Authorities will be invited to take immediate necessary steps to clear drains, canals and water courses.

2. Cabinet has been apprised of the launching of the National Unity Award 2000 to reward the most outstanding achievements in the promotion of national unity during the year. Special emphasis would be placed on social values so as to raise awareness of the need for better cohesion and upkeep of those values for a prosperous future.

3. Cabinet has taken note of the constitution of the committee set up to look into the problem of sea pollution in the Port Louis region and compensation payable to fishermen. The committee will be presided over by Mr Rampersad Proag, ex-Judge.
4. Cabinet has been apprised of the difficult water situation in Rodrigues following a low rainfall recorded in 1999. Various measures will be taken to rationalise the use of the existing water resources, among which ground water resources already identified will be exploited, and rehabilitation of springs undertaken.
5. Cabinet has been apprised that the Land Conversion Committee has finalised the release of some 250 arpents of land out of a total of 300 arpents needed by Government for the implementation of low cost housing project.

6. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the official mission of the Minister of Fisheries and Co-operatives who headed a delegation to Japan and Singapore from 25 – 31 May. During the visit, the Minister signed a Fisheries Agreement with Japan Tuna which provides for the licensing, against payments, of tuna longliner vessels to fish in Mauritian waters. Mauritius will continue to receive assistance from Japan in the field of fisheries.