1. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius becoming a member of the SADC Electoral
Commissions Forum which aims at ensuring closer co-operation on a variety
of electoral matters among the Member States of SADC

2. Cabinet has agreed to the holding of the Help Age International Africa
Regional Workshop in Mauritius from 27 to 31 August, 2001. The objects of
the Help Age International, established in the United Kingdom in 1983, are
to promote the welfare of elderly people and develop a network among its

3. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius hosting the 41st Council Meeting of the
Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) from 24 to 28 September,
2001. The CTO has over 30 years of existence and its objective is to
promote the efficient development of telecommunications facilities.

4. Cabinet has agreed to the curriculum reforms proposed for the primary
sector which aims at providing a broad-based education in line with the
best international practice and at meeting the development needs of the
country. New subjects, like Information Technology, Citizenship Education
and the Arts, etc., would be introduced.

5. Cabinet has agreed to the Economic Crime Office conducting an inquiry
into alleged cases of mismanagement in the procurement of equipment and
consumables and maintenance of equipment at the Ministry of Health and
Quality of Life during the period January 1996 to June 1997.

6. Cabinet has taken note of the constitution of :-
(i) the Mauritius Meat Authority Board for the year 2001/2002 under the
chairmanship of Mr Ruben Grenade;
(ii) the Board of Ilois Welfare Fund under the chairmanship of Mr Louis
Rene France; and
(iii) the Mauritius Museums Board under the chairmanship of Mr A.C. Kalla.

7. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the mission of :-
(a) the Minister of Public Utilities to Germany from 12 to 18 March, 2001
in the context of the Government's broad policy at reforming water, energy
and wastewater sectors for enhanced efficiency;
(b) the Minister of Tourism to Europe from 2 to 15 March, 2001 where he had
working sessions with the travel trade;
(c) the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Co-operation to -
(i) Madagascar on 21 February, 2001, where he participated in the 17th
Meeting of the IOC Council of Ministers; and
(ii) South Africa and Namibia where he participated in SADC Council of
Ministers Meetings on 23-24 February and 8 March and the Extraordinary
Summit of SADC on 9 March; and
(d) the Minister of Information Technology and Telecommunications to India
from 5 to 19 March, 2001 where he took cognizance of the development and
management of ICT in India and looked into the possibilities of joint
ventures between Mauritian and Indian counterparts.

8. Cabinet has taken note of the additional measures taken at the port and
airport to prevent the entry of Foot and Mouth Disease in Mauritius.

9. Cabinet has taken note of the organisation by the MIE, in collaboration
with the Commonwealth Secretariat, of a workshop on "Developing Resource
Materials in Science and Mathematics at Upper Primary and Lower Secondary
Levels" for SADC Countries from 16 to 20 April, 2001.

10. Cabinet has taken note of Regulations made under the National Pensions
Act and the National Savings Act in the context of the Contributions
Network Project. These Regulations provide for the submission of returns
and for the payment of contributions by employers to be made

11. Cabinet has taken note of Regulations made under the Mauritius Film
Development Act 1986, to regulate applications for film shooting activities
in Mauritius.

12. Cabinet has taken note of the results of the IT Household Survey 2000
that was conducted by the National Computer Board in collaboration with the
Central Statistical Office and the Call Services Ltd. The aim of the
survey was to assess the scope and usage of information technology in
households in Mauritius and Rodrigues.