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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 04 October 2002

Cabinet Decisions taken on 04 October 2002

1. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius participating in the ICAO Global Aviation War Risk Insurance Scheme established by the ICAO Council for providing insurance cover, on prescribed terms, for certain war and allied perils related liability risks faced by airline operators and other commercial entities which provide aviation related service in order to complement cover which has been withdrawn or reduced by the commercial insurance market following the events of 11 September 2001.
2. Cabinet has taken note of the programme of activities to be organised on 2 November 2002 to commemorate the 168th Anniversary of the arrival of indentured labourers in Mauritius.
3. Cabinet has taken note that the SILWF has taken necessary steps for the transfer of land to the individual owners at the Trianon (ex-Petit Camp) Housing Estate at Phoenix.
4. Cabinet has taken note of the status of the Midlands Dam Project and has agreed to the appointment of a Consultant to look into and recommend the leisure and recreational facilities that could be provided at the Dam site to transform it into tourist attraction.
5. Cabinet has taken note of actions initiated by the Minister of Agriculture, Food Technology & Natural Resources following requests made by Brazil and Australia for consultations with the EU on the Sugar Regime.
6. Cabinet has taken note that the structure put up illegally at Palmar beach has been removed. Cabinet has decided that appropriate legal action should be initiated against Mr P Sohorye for having illegally put up a building on State land which had not a priori been vested with him and on which he is squatting.
7. Cabinet has taken note that Dame Helen Reeves, Chief Executive of Victim Support of the UK, will visit Mauritius from 21 to 25 October 2002, when she will advise on the practical development of services for victims of crime and train members of the Victims Support Club, a local NGO, on the need to provide emotional support and practical help to people who have suffered the effects of crime.
8. Cabinet has taken note that a Steering Committee has been set up to examine the implications of the recommendations made by the New South Wales Fire Brigades from Australia on the institutional review of the Government Fire Services.
9. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Local Government and Rodrigues and the Local Authorities have prepared contingency plans to ensure prompt collection, transportation and disposal of cyclone as well as domestic wastes after a cyclone. The Solid Waste Management Unit will be responsible for the necessary arrangements in that connection.
10. Cabinet has taken note that Mauritius will host, on 16 and 17 October 2002, the Board and Annual General Meetings of the Regional Tourism Organisation of Southern Africa which is the promotional arm of the tourism sector for SADC countries.
11. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the President’s Fund for Creative Writing in English under the chairmanship of Mr Guy Eliel Luc Runghen.
12. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the mission of the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice & Human Rights to Ethiopia from 18 to 19 September 2002, where he participated in the Ministerial Meeting on the Draft African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption.