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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 10 October 2002

Cabinet Decisions taken on 10 October 2002

1.Cabinet has taken note that the relevant clearances have been issued and  the various incentives given to Infosys Ltd which will invest in its Software Development Center/Disaster Recovery Centre projects in Mauritius.
2.Cabinet has agreed to a paper on “Small Economies as Small Suppliers of Services” being tabled at the WTO with a view to sensitizing WTO members on the particular situation of the small services suppliers in small economies and to provoking a debate on the issue from the perspective of small economies.
3.Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Public Utilities setting up a Steering Committee with expertise in finance, law, human resource management and technical and organisational design to monitor and coordinate the implementation of the recommendations of Consultant Andersen on the Power Sector Reform and advise Government on the best course of action.
4.Cabinet has agreed to the Road Traffic Regulations 1954 being amended to ban the fitting of crash/bull bars to motor vehicles and to provide for a motor vehicle to be equipped with only two fog lamps which should be used only when visibility is less than 100 metres.
5. Cabinet has agreed to the setting up of the Human Resource Development Council which will inter alia be responsible for the management of the National Training Fund announced in the 2002 - 2003 Budget Speech, and the formulation of human resource development policies and programmes in line with national macroeconomic and social policy objectives.
6. Cabinet has taken note of arrangements made under the Cyclone Emergency Scheme for the Cyclone Season 2002 - 2003 and the lists of cyclones and Refugee Centres.
7.Cabinet has taken note that the Remembrance Day 2002 for the two World Wars will be observed on 10 November 2002.  In this connection, a solemn ceremony will be held at the War Memorial Monuments in Curepipe and Rodrigues.
8.Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the missions of -
           (i)         the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to Angola from 2 and                        3 October, where he participated in the 22nd Summit of the Southern                          African Development  Community;
 (ii)       the Minister of Industry and International Trade to Brussels from 23 to 27 September, where he attended the Meeting of the Ministerial Trade Committee, the special session of the ACP Council Meeting and the Joint ACP-EU Council Meeting;
(iii)       the Minister of Environment to New Delhi from 30 September to 1 October, where he participated in the High Level Informal Roundtable Consultations held in preparation of the 8th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
 (iv)      the Minister of Health and Quality of Life to New Delhi on 28 September, where he attended the Homeopathic Grand Seminar organised by the World Homeopathic Development Organisation;
 (v)       the Minister of Economic Development, Financial Services and Corporate Affairs to London and Washington in September last, where he participated in the Commonwealth Finance Ministers’ Meeting and the IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting respectively; and
 (vi)      the Minister of Training, Skills Development and Productivity to Switzerland from 10 to 18 September to further boost cooperation in the field of vocational and technical education.  On that occasion the IVTB signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hotel School of Lausanne, a world reference in the tourism industry. 
9.Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the Joint Public/Private Sector Technical Mission to Madagascar from 1 to 4 October 2002 to accelerate the follow-up by the Malagasy side on issues raised at the Roundtable on Madagascar held in Mauritius in August last.
10.Cabinet has taken note of the appointment of Dr Dawood Oaris as Chairman of the NGO Trust Fund Committee.
11.Cabinet has taken note of the activities organised by the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life to mark the World Mental Health Day 2002 on 10 October.  The theme chosen by the World Federation of Mental Health to mark the event is “The Effects of Trauma and Violence on Children and Adolescents”.
Approved List of Names of Cyclones
For Season 2002 - 2003
ATANG                                               NOE
 BOURA                                              OPANGA
 CRYSTAL                                          PALE
 DELFINA                                           QACHA
 EBULA                                               RITA
 FARI                                                   SERAME
 GERRY                                               TINA
 HAPE                                                 ULYSSE
 ISHA                                                   VICENTE
 JAPHET                                             WINSTON
 KALUNDE                                         XENA
 LUMA                                                 YVES
 MANOU                                              ZAITOUNE