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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 12 April 2002

Cabinet Decisions taken on 12 April 2002

1. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly of the Small Planters Welfare Fund Bill which provides for the establishment of the Small Planters Welfare Fund to promote social and economic welfare of small planters and their families.
2. Cabinet has agreed to the recommendations of the Mauritius Sugar Authority relating to the closing down of Highlands Sugar Factory with effect from 2002 crop. Arrangements have been made for the diversion of cane to other factories and the provisions of the Blue Print will be applied to all employees whose jobs will be affected by the closure.
3. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations making the Light Metal and Wooden Furniture Workshops (Remuneration Order) Regulations to incorporate the recommendations of the National Remuneration Board.
4. Cabinet has agreed to the EPZ Labour Welfare Fund Act being amended to provide for sanctions against EPZ enterprises which are not contributing to the Fund, particularly enterprises which deduct workers’ contributions but do not credit it to the Fund.
5. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Local Government and Rodrigues will make the Statutory Bodies Family Protection Fund Regulations 2002 with a view to rationalising the computation of beneficiaries’ pension and the payment of membership contribution in line with the recommendations of the PRB reports and also to place employees of Local Authorities at par with their counterparts in the Civil Service.
6. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Environment would rehabilitate the ex-sand landing places and convert them into green spaces/picnic areas and recreational sites which would be open to the public. Rehabilitation works would be carried out, in the first instance, at Pointe des Lascars, Grand River South East and Deux Frères.
7. Cabinet has agreed to the Regional Post-Doha Seminar, organized by UNCTAD, being held in Mauritius in September 2002. The object of the Seminar is to examine the needs of developing countries for enhanced support for technical assistance and capacity building, particularly in areas of Trade and Competition Policy and Trade and Investment.
8. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Local Government and Rodrigues preparing a Master Plan for an integrated project including the Treasury Building, the Museum/Mauritius Institute premises and the 'Jardin de la Compagnie’.
9. In the context of the regional project on National Regulatory Control and Occupational Radiation Protection Programme, Cabinet has agreed to the preparation of a new legislation to replace the existing Radiation Protection Act 1992 and to the setting up of a new institutional framework for radiation protection.
10. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Housing and Lands will review the National Physical Development Plan with a view to providing a framework for the physical development of Mauritius for the next 20 years.
11. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the missions of:-
(i) the Minister of Tourism from 15 to 22 March 2002 to Berlin, Vienna and Stockholm, where he attended the International Tourism Exchange 2002 fair and had working sessions relating to the promotion of the tourism sector;
(ii) the Minister of Information Technology and Telecommunications from 18 to 28 March 2002 to Turkey, Paris and Rotterdam, where he participated in the World Telecommunication Development Conference 2002 and had discussions on our future IT projects; and
(iii) the Minister of Youth and Sports from 25 to 26 March 2002 to Abidjan where he attended the Meeting between CONFEJES Member States and National and International Sports Federations.
12. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the SADC Employment and Labour Sector Committee of Ministers and Social Partners held in Zimbabwe from 21 to 22 February 2002.