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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 18 October 2002

Cabinet Decisions taken on 18 October 2002

1.Cabinet has taken note of the Award made by the Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal in the case of the Union of Customs and  Excise Officers and the Ministry of Finance.   The Tribunal has found that, in the circumstances of the dispute, an officer from outside the service may be appointed on a temporary and contractual basis.  Cabinet has also reviewed the industrial relationships between Government and the Union of Customs and Excise Officers and the Union of Nursing Officers respectively.
2.Cabinet has decided that the legislation relating to arson and fires of a criminal nature should be reviewed with a view to providing for more severe penalties.
3.Cabinet has taken note of the organization and conduct of the 2002 CPE Examinations held on 15, 16 and 17 October,  which is the milestone of the new mode of admission to Form I on the basis of grading as opposed to the ranking system.  Cabinet has also noted that a minor misprint has occurred in the French paper and that no pupil will be penalized as a result of the misprint.  The marking of the scripts will start on 13 November and the results are expected to be known by 7 December 2002.
4.Cabinet has taken note of  appointments made to the posts created in the wake of the establishment of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly.
5. Cabinet has reviewed progress made in the case of Infosys Ltd and noted that all matters have been finalized.
6. Cabinet has reviewed the setting up of Spinning Plant projects at La Tour Koenig and noted that the whole plot of land, now used for agricultural purposes, will be converted into an industrial zone.
7.Cabinet has taken note of the holding of the “Conseil International des Jeux” in Mauritius and has reviewed progress made in the construction of sports facilities for the Indian Ocean Islands Games 2003.  Cabinet  has also taken note that  infrastructural works will be completed  in time for the Games.
8.  Cabinet has taken note that, at a meeting organized by the “Mission d’Evaluation du Secretariat des Nations Unies”, the Malagasy Government has made an appeal for financial assistance to fund the legislative elections in Madagascar scheduled for December 2002.  Cabinet has decided that Mauritius will make a financial contribution.  Cabinet has further noted that the Malagasy Government has welcomed  the presence of international observers during the elections.
9.Cabinet has taken note that a shortage of cement has been reported in Rodrigues during the last five days.  The shortage is due to an increase in demand especially because of  development projects like roads, airport infrastructure, etc., and arrangements have been made for the Mauritius Pride to convey  9,046 bags of  cement, i.e. 40% more than in September 2002, on its trip scheduled to land at Port Mathurin tomorrow 19 October.
10.Cabinet has agreed to the CEB undergrounding high tension lines which run parallel to Military Road, Port Louis with a view to releasing State land on which the lines are located, for development projects.
11.Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Labour & Industrial Relations tabling in the National Assembly the Safety and Health in Agriculture Convention 2001 and Recommendation 192 and a Memorandum which has been prepared in consultation with all stakeholders including the Mauritius Employers’ Federation and the federations of trade unions,  and outlines actions taken by Government on the  two instruments.
12.Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Labour & Industrial Relations, in collaboration with the ILO, organizing a National Conference to discuss  the report of the Study on Work and the Family prepared by the Centre for Applied Social Research of the University of Mauritius.  The aim of the Study was to identify  major trends, highlight the key work – family issues and document the important changes that are happening to the family and to work.  The Report will be made public.
13. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly of the EPZ Labour Welfare Fund (Amendment) Bill which inter alia provides for more severe penalties for default in payment of contributions to the Fund and the early repayments of loans by workers without indemnity or any other charge.                                                     
14.Cabinet has agreed to the reconstitution of  -
             (a)       the Mauritius National Commission for UNESCO  under the chairmanship of the Minister of Education and Scientific Research; and
             (b)       the Board of the Small and Medium Industries Development Organisation under the chairmanship of Mr B. Padiachy.
15.Cabinet has taken note that the Minister of Social Security, National  Solidarity & Senior Citizen Welfare and Reform Institutions will make Regulations under the Community Service Order Act, once proclaimed, to provide for the setting up of the Central Probation   Committee and the District Probation Committee to supervise the work done by the Probation Unit which will be responsible for the implementation of the Act.
16.Cabinet has taken note that the National Development Unit will construct drains and upgrade the existing canal at  Morcellement Foondun, Terre Rouge, with a view to alleviating the problem of water drainage during  storms  faced by  the inhabitants.
17.Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the missions of –
             (i)         the Minister of Tourism to New Jersey from 30 September to 2 October 2002, where he participated in the 2002 Africa Travel, Tourism and Gaming Trade Show and Conference;
 (ii)               the Minister of Labour & Industrial Relations to Saudi Arabia and Dubai from 2 to 7 October 2002, where he inter alia had discussions with Saudi Authorities on issues related to the organization of Haj 2003 pilgrimage;
 (iii)             the Minister of  Education and Scientific Research to Germany from 8 to 10 October 2002, where he participated in a conference entitled 'Education – Lifelong Learning and the Knowledge Economy’ and to Luxembourg on 11 October, where he had discussions with the Luxembourg Authorities on assistance for projects in the Education Sector; and
 (iv)              the Minister of Economic Development, Financial Services and Corporate Affairs to Zimbabwe on 19 September 2002, where he participated in the 7th Annual General Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Southern Africa Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation.
18.Cabinet has taken note that the Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission of SADC, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Land Transport and Shipping, will organize a one-day Workshop at La Pirogue Hotel on
7 November 2002 to discuss the SADC Guideline for low volume sealed roads in the SADC region. 
19.Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Labour & Industrial Relations, in collaboration with the ILO, will organise a series of activities in the context of a National Sensitization Campaign on Occupational Safety and Health with a view to creating greater awareness of occupational safety and health norms and to ensure a more preventive approach at  the workplace.  The theme of the Campaign will be 'Prevention of Workplace Accidents’.