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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 19 April 2002

Cabinet Decisions taken on 19 April 2002

1.         Cabinet has agreed to:-
            (a)        the release of the Report on the Assessment of the Health Dimension of Asbestos in Mauritius by Mr John Addison, Consultant of the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation;
            (b)        the setting up of a Technical Committee to examine the recommendations contained in the Report and to prepare an implementation plan; and
            (c)        urgent action being taken in relation to asbestos found in sugar factories that close down and schools that are repaired/upgraded.
2.         Cabinet has agreed to the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee on Pension Reform to the effect that:-
          (a)          the Minister of Economic Development, Financial Services and Corporate Affairs should be designated to drive the pension reform process; and
            (b)        an Inter-Ministerial Committee chaired by the Minister of Social Security, National Solidarity & Senior Citizen Welfare and Reform Institutions and a Secretariat should be set up to ensure that there is consensus on key elements of the reform programme, and to monitor the smooth implementation of pension reform.
3.         Cabinet has taken note of the positive outcome of consultations held with the “Forces Vives” of Mahebourg and the neighbouring villages regarding the conversion of Mahebourg District Hospital into a Community Hospital which will continue to provide such facilities as 24-hour primary health care, curative and night services. The conversion of the hospital into a Community Hospital is expected to reduce operating costs by about Rs 47 m annually.
4.         Cabinet has taken note of the positive discussions held with the delegations from FIFA and CAF and has decided to await the proposals of FIFA and CAF before deciding on the course of action to be followed in regard to the implementation of the provisions of the Sports Act relating to football.
5.         Cabinet has reviewed progress in the rehabilitation of the Mare Chicose Landfill and has noted that a “Medical Check 2002” will be held from 24 to 29 April for the inhabitants of the locality and that a team headed by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance would visit the site on Saturday 27 April.
6.         Cabinet has reviewed progress in the rehabilitation of victims of Cyclone Dina and has noted that temporary shelters are being put up at Tombeau Bay, Chebel and Providence to relocate the victims. Cabinet has also agreed that a letter of intent should be issued to such victims confirming that priority will be given to them when Firinga type houses will be ready for allocation by the end of this year.
7.         Cabinet has taken note of developments regarding the alleged case of mismanagement of funds at the Mauritius Family Planning Association and has decided that Government should urgently invite a team of officials from IPPF to discuss how best the IPPF could continue to provide assistance and advice to Mauritius.
8.         Cabinet has taken note of the situation in Palestine and has reiterated the stand of Mauritius condemning the unnecessary use of violence by Israel.
9.         Cabinet has taken note of the positive developments in the political situation in Madagascar and that Government will take every action necessary to ensure that the agreement signed by Mr Ratsiraka and Mr Ravalomanana in the presence of international organisations is implemented.
10.       Cabinet has taken note of the positive developments in the relationships between the Government of Zimbabwe and the Opposition.
11.       Cabinet has taken note that discussions with the Republic of Seychelles on the delimitation of maritime boundaries will be held in Port Louis on 25 and 26 April.
12.       Cabinet has taken note that the Federation of Chinese Societies (Mauritius), in collaboration with the Ministry of Arts and Culture, will organize the World Chinese Conference in September 2002 to discuss inter alia the promotion of Chinese culture, heritage and language around the world, and Mauritius as a gateway for business in Africa.
13.       Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the missions of:-
            (i)         the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to India from 7 to 12 April 2002 where he met the Prime Minister, Senior Ministers of the Government of India and the Leader of the Opposition and had discussions on the consolidation and furtherance of the very special relationships existing between our two countries; and
            (ii)        the Minister of Health and Quality of Life from 10 to 13 April 2002 to South Africa where he attended the International Conference on vaccination and SADC Health Ministers’ Meeting.
14.       Cabinet has agreed to contribute US$ 3,000 annually, for a period of two years, to the Technical Support Group (TSG) for Women and Health of the Commonwealth Secretariat to enable it to continue with the good work for the welfare of adolescent and women health.
15.       Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of:-
            (a)        the Islamic Cultural Centre Trust Fund Board; and
            (b)        Board of Trustees of the Mauritius Marathi Cultural Centre Trust.
16.       Cabinet has taken note that the State Trading Corporation would use existing marketing facilities for the retail sale of cement in Rodrigues, namely:-
            (a)        co-operatives stores at La Ferme, St. Gabriel and Citronelle;
            (b)        STC store at Port Mathurin; and
            (c)        retailers registered with STC.