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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 20 December 2002

Cabinet Decisions taken on 20 December 2002

1.Cabinet has taken note that the three tenderers who had submitted bids for the supply of cement for 2003 had withdrawn their offer. Cabinet has considered and agreed to the offer of Seament International SAL and its partner for the supply of up to 150,000 MT of cement during the first three months of 2003 at the price of US $37 per metric ton as against the lowest price of US $ 37.10 per metric ton quoted by the lowest tenderer. Cabinet will consider other arrangements for the provision of cement for the whole year 2003. Cabinet has also taken note that the last time the price of cement was reviewed was in November 2001 when cement was acquired at the price of US $ 31 per metric ton.
2.Cabinet has taken note of the programme of events which will be organised in the context of the 2nd AGOA Forum to be held in Mauritius from 13 to 17 January 2003. These are as follows:-
Event Date Venue
NGO Event Monday 13 – Wednesday 15 January Indira Gandhi
Centre for Indian
Culture, Phoenix
Trade Exhibition Monday 13 – Thursday 16 January Freeport of
Mer Rouge
Private Sector Tuesday 14 – Thursday 17 January Radisson Hotel,
Session Pointe aux Piments
Government Wednesday 15 – Friday 17 January University of
Forum Mauritius, Reduit
3.Cabinet has agreed to Regulations being made under the Prevention of Terrorism Act to allow the Bank of Mauritius, as the regulatory and supervisory body, to instruct financial institutions to freeze funds, financial assets and economic resources of individuals, groups, undertakings or entities, listed by the United Nations Security Council.
4.Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius entering into a Bilateral Trade Agreement with Egypt to further strengthen and develop trade relations between the two countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
5.In the context of negotiations on market access for non-agricultural products, Cabinet has agreed to the Minister of Industry and International Trade tabling a paper at the WTO on modalities that would provide countries with the option of undertaking minimum tariff cuts on sensitive products and deeper cuts on non-sensitive ones.
6.Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly of the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill which aims inter alia at reclassifying public service vehicles and at providing for better control over the operation of vehicles being used unlawfully for hire or reward.
7.Cabinet has agreed to a High Level Preparatory Committee being set up under the chairmanship of the Minister of Women’s Rights, Child Development & Family Welfare to organise activities to mark the 10th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2004.
    8.Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the Investment Promotion Mission undertaken by the Board of Investment to India from 27 November to 8 December 2002.
    9.Cabinet has taken note of the status of the Fisheries Training and Extension Centre project at Pointe aux Sables.
    10.Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the missions of:-
(a) the Minister of Industry and International Trade and the Minister of Agriculture, Food Technology & Natural Resources to Brussels where they inter alia participated in the 76th Session of ACP Council of Ministers’ Meeting;
(b) the Minister of Local Government and Rodrigues to Geneva where he participated in the Sixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention on the Control of Hazardous Wastes; and
(c) the Minister of Women’s Rights, Child Development and Family Welfare to Thailand where she participated in the Second Asia/Africa Parliamentarian Forum on Human Security and Gender.
    11.Cabinet has taken note of arrangements made for the registration for admission to Form I as from Saturday 21 December and for the resumption of studies in 2003.
    12.Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Board of Trustees of “La Clinique Mauricienne” for year 2003.
    13.Cabinet has taken note that France and Mauritius have signed two “Conventions de Financement” for the purchase of sports equipment in the context of the forthcoming Indian Ocean Islands Games 2003.