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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 23 January 2002

Cabinet Decisions taken on 23 January 2002

1.                     At a Special Meeting of the Cabinet held this morning under the Chairmanship of theRt Honourable Sir Anerood Jugnauth,Prime Minister to take note of the impact of Cyclone “Dina” in all sectors ofthe economy, it was decided that-
                        (i) the Minister of Agriculture, FoodTechnology and Natural Resources would make proposals on how best to provideassistance to vegetable and cane growers. Meanwhile permits would be granted for the importation of vegetables,except leafy vegetables and tomatoes, for a period of 2 months;
                        (ii) the Ministry of Public Infrastructure,Land Transport and Shipping would –
                                    (a) by way of a 48-hour tender procedure,make arrangements for the urgent repairs of hospitals and schools damaged bythe cyclone; and
                                    (b) carry out a full survey of all thetraffic lights damaged and make arrangements for their immediate replacement;
                        (iii) the Ministry of Social Security, NationalSolidarity & Senior Citizen Welfare and Reform Institutions, the Ministryof Housing and Lands and the Police would urgently carry out a verificationexercise in regard to the 360 families who are presently in Refugee Centres andmake proposals for their relocation;
                        (iv) the Ministry of Local Government andRodrigues would make arrangements for the early removal of green waste. In that connection, it is noted that a few additional dumpinggrounds would be re-opened temporarily and that during a period of two weeks,all vehicles would be allowed access to those dumping grounds.
2.                     Cabinethas also taken note that –
                        (a) electricity has already started to besupplied to hospitals, industrial zones and other essential services. It is expected that all the major townshipsand villages will be provided with electricity within the next two days and thewhole island within a week;
                        (b) water supply throughout the country willbe back to normal within the next two days; and
                        (c) 40,000 out of 310,000 telephone lineswere out of order and would be repaired within 15 days.
3.                     Cabinet hasalso decided that –
                        (a) classes in all State and State-fundedschools at pre-primary, primary and secondary levels will resume on Tuesday 29January. All other fee-paying schoolsthat choose to re-open before Tuesday 29 January, should ensure that allnecessary steps are taken to guarantee the security of children attending thoseschools;
                        (b) the National Assembly will sit on 4 and 5February instead of 30 January to consider the laws on terrorism, fraud andcorruption; and
                        (c) only the protocol ceremony will be heldon the occasion of the National Day, the166th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery and the InternationalWomen’s Day.
                        Cabinetwould also wish to commend all those persons who have worked during the periodof the cyclone for their dedication to duty.