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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 29 March 2002

Cabinet Decisions taken on 29 March 2002

1. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly of The Moneylenders (Amendment) Bill which aims at ensuring better control of the activities of moneylenders and reinforcing provisions relating to protection of borrowers against possible abuses.
2. Cabinet has agreed to the preparation of a legislation for the establishment of a Land Information System which will be a data bank on land and help producing a Land Parcel Map.
3. Cabinet has taken note of the Distance Learning Scheme which will provide the opportunity to a larger number of public officers to undertake specialised studies which are directly related to their work or future career.
4. Cabinet has agreed to the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Satyam Computer Services Ltd of India which proposes to set up a Learning Centre and a Development Centre in Mauritius with a view to boosting up the process of national ICT capacities and to positioning Mauritius as a significant IT player by 2006.
5. Cabinet has taken note of the earthquake which recently hit Northern Afghanistan and has decided to provide, in a sign of solidarity, a token financial assistance of US$ 50,000.
6. Cabinet has taken note that the Water Resources Technical Committee (WRTC) of SADC, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Utilities, will hold its next meeting in Mauritius in May 2002. The main objective of the WRTC is to provide technical support and advice in respect of policies, strategies, programmes and projects related to sustainable water resources management.
7. Cabinet has agreed to the Schedule of the Industrial and Vocational Training Regulations 1994 being amended to include the trade “Computer Assistant and Equipment Operators and Controllers” in which the IVTB will provide apprenticeship.
8. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the missions of :-
(i) the Minister of Local Government and Rodrigues to Europe from 16 to 24 March 2002 where he availed of the experiences of France, Germany and UK on solid waste management; and
(ii) the Minister of Commerce and Co-operatives to Rodrigues from 15 to 19 March 2002 where he attended to issues relating to Commerce, Co-operatives and Handicraft Sectors.