1. Cabinet has reviewed the situation regarding the forthcoming International Conference on Small Island Developing States scheduled from 30 August to 3 September 2004 and has taken note of the likelihood that the International Conference Centre would not be ready in time for the holding of the Conference, in view of delays suffered as a result of bad weather conditions which had prevailed since the beginning of the year. Further, the cost implications to meet the requirements of the United Nations as indicated in the draft Host Country Agreement far exceed the initial estimates. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Regional Cooperation and the Minister of Agriculture, Food Technology and Natural Resources have had the opportunity to raise these issues with the UN Secretary-General in New York a few days back. A special Meeting of the Cabinet has been fixed for Monday 10 May 2004 at 1030 hours to discuss the whole issue.
2. Cabinet has reviewed the Ralph Lauren Issue and has taken note that the Controller of the Industrial property Office has initiated action to obtain a Judge Order under the patents, Industrial Designs and Trade Marks Act to allow his Office to enter and search the 58 shops which were still illegally selling counterfeit Ralph Lauren products. Further, the US polo Ralph Lauren Co. has filed a complaint with the police regarding two of the 58 shops and the police will take prompt action against the infringers.
3. Cabinet has agreed that the Dangerous Drugs Act be amended with a view to making it possible for specific drug offenders excluding drug dealers to be eligible for remission on their prison sentence. The objective thereof is to rehabilitate and reintegrate detainees in the mainstream life of society, and maintaining a minimum prison population. Further, Cabinet has agreed that certain measures be taken for the reform of the prisons following recommendations made in three reports on prisons by Sir David Ramsbothan GCB, CBE, former Chief of prisons in UK, Mr John podmore, Governor of Brixton prisons in UK, and Mr L. Vijayanaraynan, former Deputy Director Inspector General of prisons of Tamil Nadu, India, whose services have been enlisted as Adviser to the prisons Depatment. Cabinet has also agreed to the recruitment of an expatriate, Mr Bill Duff, currently Area Manager for the London prison estate, to serve as Commissioner of prisons for a period of three years.
4. Cabinet has taken note that His Lordship Ariranga Govindasamy pillay, Chief Justice has been elected to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to serve a third term of office of four years beginning on 1 January 2005.
5. Cabinet has reviewed progress on the Integrated plan for Tourism and Leisure Development at St Félix and Bel Ombre and has taken note that, in view of the escalating costs of road infrastructure, the total contribution of hotel developers to the Tourism Fund would not be sufficient to meet these expenses and costs related to provision of the social amenities. A meeting will be held under the Chairmanship of the prime Minister on 17 May 2004 with all stakeholders to review the situation.
6. Cabinet has agreed that Mauritius ratifies the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, a legally binding treaty negotiated by Member States of the World Health Organisation (WHO), and which contains measures to reduce the devastating health and economic impacts of tobacco.
7. Cabinet has agreed to the introduction into the National Assembly of the Road Traffic (Amendment No. 2) Bill which will provide for every person driving a motor vehicle to produce on demand his driving licence to the police or a Road Transport Inspector.
8. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the mission of the prime Minister to pretoria, South Africa on 27 April 2004 where he participated in the inauguration of the president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, for his second and last term and in the celebrations marking the 10th Anniversary of Freedom Day. The prime Minister also discussed issues of common interest with a number of Head of State and Government present at the ceremony.
9. Cabinet has taken note that the application of 20 enterprises for registration as Small and Medium Enterprises has been approved. It is expected that these enterprises will invest an amount of approximately Rs 10.9 M and create some 67 new employment opportunities while sustain 73 existing jobs.
10. Cabinet has taken note of the launching of the Second Action plan 2004-2005 "The Route to Excellence" of the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs and Administrative Reforms. The two-year Action plan will both reinforce reform initiatives underway as well as introducing breakthrough initiatives to sustain the reform movement for more accountability and results-oriented initiatives.
11. Cabinet has taken note of the mission of the Minister of Education and Scientific Research to Geneva and paris from 14 to 22 April 2004, where he attended the Steering Committee and Administrative Meeting of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and the Executive Board Meeting of UNESCO respectively.
12. Cabinet has taken note that the IVTB Hotel School of Mauritius will host the 4th Culinary Competition of the Association of Hotel Schools in Sub-Saharan Africa (AHSSA) from 12 to 14 May 2004.