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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 11 November 2005

Cabinet Decisions taken on 11 November 2005

1.Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the fruitful state visit of the Prime Minister to India from 23 to 28 October 2005. The Prime Minister led a delegation comprising inter alia the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance & Economic Development, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade & Cooperation and a strong private sector delegation. During his visit, the Prime Minister had meetings with Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, President of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister, Shrimati Sonia Gandhi, President of the Congress Party and President of the United Progressive Alliance, Shri K. Natwar Singh, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shri Kamal Nath, Minister of Commerce and Industry, and Shri L.K. Advani, Leader of the Opposition. The Indian Prime Minister wished a holistic engagement with Mauritius on our civilizational ties and robust political and economic relationship. The Indian and Mauritian delegations reviewed several bilateral issues, such as the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement, projects in the ICT sector, the transformation of Mauritius into a sea food hub, defence and security, and investment. Seven bilateral agreements/Memoranda of Understanding, inter alia, on the transfer of sentenced prisoners, cooperation in the field of hydrography, and preferential trade agreement, were signed. The Government of India agreed to offer a grant of US $ 25m and a loan of US $ 75m with subsidy on interests to be used on projects to be decided after consultations between the two sides. The Jawaharlall Nehru University conferred the Degree of “Doctor of Letters” (Honoris Causa) upon the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister met Mauritian students in New Delhi, and had meetings with the business community. He also had working sessions in Hyderabad, Kochi and Mumbai.
2.Cabinet has agreed to the revised Waste Water Sector Policy Statement 2005-2010 highlighting the developmental orientation of the waste water sector and outlining the measures which would ensure the financial sustainability of the sector over a given period of time. Cabinet has taken note that outstanding waste water dues amount to about Rs 90m and has agreed to legal action being initiated for the recovery thereof.
3.In line with the recommendations of the WHO, Cabinet has agreed to the procurement of a stock of antiviral drug (Tamiflu) for the treatment of patients who might be affected by the new strain of human influenza originating from the Avian Influenza (Avian Flu) Virus.
4. Cabinet has taken note that, following the serious incidents which occurred at the Rehabilitation Youth Centre (RYC) - Girls at Beau Bassin on 29 October and 5 November 2005, a Steering Committee had been set up to look into the problems in a holistic approach and to work out a plan of action for the short, medium and long term for both the RYC girls and boys. Moreover, a Departmental Enquiry would be carried out on the incidents to situate responsibilities.
5.Cabinet has taken note that, under an existing cultural exchange programme, the participation of the Mauritian delegation comprising eight youths aged between 12 and 16 years would participate in the International Integration Camp and Children’s Assembly scheduled to be held from 14 to 20 November 2005 at the National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi, India.
6. Cabinet has taken note of activities to be organized to mark the World Diabetes Day on 14 November. The focus this year is on ‘Diabetes and Footcare’ and the slogan for this year’s campaign is ‘Put Feet First: Prevent Amputations’. Activities include the launching of a Workshop on Diabetes and Footcare on 14 November, a programme on television aiming at direct interaction with the population and mounting of sensitization campaigns in Social Welfare Centres, Community Centres, Youth Centres, elderly Clubs, Village Halls and other social clubs through advocacy.
7. Cabinet has taken note that a sub-regional symposium on ‘A Concerted Approach to Enhancing Copyright, Collective Management and Cultural Industries’ would be held in Mauritius from 22 to 24 November 2005. Representatives of Ministries of Culture, national copyright societies and artists unions of countries of the region would attend the symposium which aims at exploring the potential of cultural industries and copyright in the sub-region and at identifying a strategy for their development in a spirit of partnership.
8. Cabinet has taken note of the recommendations of the Committee set up to reactivate football in Mauritius and has agreed, as an immediate measure to, inter alia the launching of street football during school vacation in November and December around the island with a view to boosting interest in football among the youth and the general public, beach soccer on a pilot basis on four public beaches, upgrading of football grounds at Petit Raffray, Plaisance, Rivière des Anguilles, Saint François Xavier, Solferino and Souillac. National Football Clubs would be encouraged to set up Fans’ Clubs.
9. Cabinet has taken note of the participation of Mauritius in the Fifth Jeux de la Francophonie to be held in Niamey, Niger, from 7 to 17 December 2005. The Games which are held every four years aim at strengthening the solidarity among the 56 Member Countries and at encouraging the spirit of North/South Cooperation which is the very foundation of Francophonie.
10. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the mission of –
(i) the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Leisure & External Communications to Réunion Island and Switzerland from 24 to 27 October 2005. In Réunion Island. The Deputy Prime Minister pursued discussions with Mr Paul Verges, President of the Region, Mr Laurent Cayrel, Prefet of Réunion and Mr E. Magamootoo, President of the Réunion Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as professionals of the tourist and travel trade of the Island on the idea of joint promotion in the low season of Mauritius and Réunion as a combined tourist destination. In Switzerland, the Deputy Prime Minister met professionals of the tourist and trade industry with special interest for Mauritius as well as representatives of the press and specialized magazines;
(ii) the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade & Cooperation to Mumbai and Addis Ababa from 28 October to 1 November 2005. In Mumbai, the Minister had meetings with a number of personalities with whom he raised issues of investments and joint ventures in Mauritius. He attended the 5th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in Addis Ababa which considered inter alia the reform of the UN, particularly the issue of the UN Security Council;
(iii) the Minister of Local Government to Yaoundé, Cameroun from 28 to 29 October 2005 where he attended the Second Ministerial Session of the “Conference Africaine de la Décentralisation et du Développement Local”. The Minister endorsed, on behalf of the Republic of Mauritius, the “Déclaration de Yaoundé” which was adopted unanimously at the Conference and which contains resolutions that provide for putting decentralization and local development at the centre of governance and political development of member countries; and
(iv) the Minister of Industry, Small & Medium Enterprises, Commerce & Cooperatives to Italy from 24 to 29 October 2005. The objectives of the investment promotion mission were inter alia to present investment opportunities in Mauritius, particularly in the textile and clothing sector, to members of the Italian Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Associations in order to attract higher level of investment from Italy and to build effective partnership of a match-making nature between Mauritian and Italian textile companies.
11. Cabinet has taken note of the reconstitution of the Boards of –
(i) the Development Bank of Mauritius with Mr Jankee Kheswar Chandan as Chairperson; and
(ii) the Editions de l’Océan Indien Ltée with Mrs Shirin Joomun as Chairperson.
12. Cabinet has taken note that Mr Jacques Li Wan Po, Mr Jean Georges Archimede Lascie and Mr Shyam Razkumar Seebun would be appointed Directors on the Board of the Bank of Mauritius.