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Prime Minister's Office
Prime Minister's Office>Cabinet Decisions taken on 07 September 2007

Cabinet Decisions taken on 07 September 2007

1.Cabinet has taken note of infrastructural and security arrangements made in connection with the pilgrimage to the shrine of Père Laval.

2. Cabinet has taken note of developments regarding the issue of title deeds to workers who have retired under the first VRS, infrastructural works on VRS sites for workers, and the phasing out of sugar camps. To date, title deeds have been handed over to 5,685 beneficiaries and the remaining beneficiaries would receive their deeds as soon as on-site infrastructural works would be completed.

Cabinet has further taken note that 24 sugar camps remain to be phased out. Title deeds for the 44 lots at Cottage would be handed over to the beneficiaries shortly and title deeds for the 180 lots at Beau Champ are under preparation. Infrastructural works on other sites are ongoing.

3. Cabinet has taken note that the distribution of Methadone has been further decentralized and that, as from Monday 17 September 2007, the opening hours at the Dispensing Units of the five Regional Hospitals would be from 6.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m. Cabinet has further taken note that a separate ward would be opened at Brown Sequard Hospital to accommodate female patients for induction of Methadone.

4. Cabinet has taken note of measures being taken by the Ministry of Environment & National Development Unit for the protection of the shoreline and residential areas at Rivière des Galets against strong and high waves. In the short term, it is proposed to reinforce the existing coastal protection structures without rock revetment and to construct a wall as a second line of defence against high/strong waves assault.

Cabinet has also taken note that the following measures are being taken for the protection of the shoreline at Flic-en-Flac:

(a) repair of the damaged gabions, in situ, wherever required;

(b) removal of filaos trees found within 15 m from the high water mark, and
provision of absorption drains across the beach;

(c) restoration of the beach by filling in the numerous scarps created by
storm water drainage and waves;
(d) creation of parking areas, provision of drains along the parking areas and measures to restrict vehicular access on the dynamic beach zone; and (e) lagoon and reef restoration works.

5. In line with Government Programme 2005-2010, Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade & Cooperation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Civil Service & Administrative Reforms, would organize a ten-week part-time course on Diplomacy and Foreign Trade for diplomats, officers of Ministries and representatives of para-statal bodies, as well as the private sector. The course, which has as theme An Introduction to Diplomacy and Foreign Trade, aims at providing trainees with key inputs on foreign policy, diplomatic practices and foreign trade so as to facilitate their understanding of international issues, and to develop the negotiating capacity of officers who are required to participate substantively in international meetings and conferences.

6. With a view to further opening air space and to attracting more tourists during off peak periods, Cabinet has taken note that Bilateral Air Services Talks would be held with the Aeronautical Authorities of Argentina and the Kingdom of Spain.

Cabinet has further taken note that the provisions of the existing Air Services Agreements with the UK and Australia have become inadequate and talks would be held shortly to review the agreements and secure greater operational flexibility for our national airline.

7. Cabinet has taken note of the promulgation of the Civil Aviation Regulations 2007 which incorporate several provisions of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), viz. –

(i) measures to implement the latest ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices;

(ii) strengthening of the regulatory functions of the Department of Civil Aviation;

(iii) important global practices in the aviation industry, e.g., controlling of alcoholism and substance abuse among Air Traffic Control Officers, pilots and cabin crew, use of extended range twin engine operations, carriage on board of height keeping and required navigation equipment to be able to fly through air spaces declared as RVSM (reduced vertical separation minima) and RNP (required navigation performance); and

(iv) effective safety oversight by the State in respect of aerodromes run by autonomous aerodrome operators, such as Airports of Mauritius Ltd and Airports of Rodrigues Ltd., etc.

8. Cabinet has taken note of developments in the recent excavation at Mare-aux-Songes site by experts of the Natural History Museum of London, together with experts from Mauritius and the Netherlands. Significant scientific data from the geological and environmental point of view were collected, including unique skeleton fossil materials of two almost complete Dodos, unique skull material of extinct parrots, fossil tree stems and fossil remains of the giant tortoise. The experts have also undertaken a wood-anatomical identification exercise which could be pre-determinant in the reconstruction of the vegetation and ecology of Mare-aux-Songes as at about 4000 years ago with a view to recreating the natural Dodo Habitat.

9. Cabinet has taken note of action initiated by the Ministry of Environment & National Development Unit, with the assistance of the United Nations Environment Programme, to develop a National Programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) for Mauritius. SCP is broadly defined as a holistic approach to minimizing environmental impacts from production and consumption in society. It is also about technological and social innovation to change the consumption and production patterns.

The main objectives of the project are to:-

• develop a national programme on Sustainable Consumption and Production;

• improve understanding and appreciation of key stakeholders on the importance of promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production; and

• provide ongoing feedback on UNEP Guidance manual by feeding local knowledge and experiences into the process and its practicability for SIDS.

10. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the 56th Session of the Executive Committee of the Afro-Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO) held from 20 to 22 August 2007 in Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The Committee was made aware, inter alia, of the Review of Activities in relation to -

(a) Human Resource Development;

(b) operation of Regional Offices for Africa, Middle-East and Asian zones; and

(c) the status position in respect of a range of projects implemented in the zones with financial support of AARDO to foster growth and development, viz., rural development schemes, agricultural/dairy schemes, and entrepreneurship schemes.

11. Cabinet has taken note of the constitution of the Board of the Vallée d’Österlog Endemic Garden Foundation with Mrs Krishnawtee Beegun, former Senior Chief Executive at the Ministry of Agro Industry & Fisheries, as Chairperson. The objects and functions of the Foundation are, inter alia, to -

(a) manage, conserve and maintain any historical monument or object, building or structure in the Garden;

(b) encourage visits by members of the public by promoting the unique value of the Garden;

(c) ensure the protection of the environment and flora and fauna in the Garden; and

(d) disseminate knowledge with respect to endemic flora and fauna through publications and other means.

12. Cabinet has taken note that the World Habitat Day would be celebrated on 1 October 2007 and the theme chosen by the United Nations is “A Safe City is a Just City”. To mark the event, it is proposed, inter alia, to hold a 3-day open exhibition at the Plaine Verte Garden.

13. Cabinet has taken note of the Report on "Statistics in Mauritius: a Gender Approach". The main findings of the reports are:-

(a) Child population represented 29.3% of total population in 2005 against 29.6% in 2004.

(b) Percentage of women aged 15 to 49 years using family planning method increased from 28.7% in 2004 to 39.6% in 2005.

(c) Girls perform better than boys in examinations. In 2005, the pass rate for the CPE was 71.2% for girls as compared to 59.0% for boys. For SC, girls recorded a pass rate of 81.2% against 75.2% for boys. At HSC level, the pass rate for girls stood at 82.0% as compared to 73.6% for boys.

(d) In 2005, about 41% women aged 15 and above as compared to 77% men were active.

(e) The number of cases of domestic violence reported at the Family Support Bureaux increased from 11,246 in 2000 to 17,162 in 2005.

(f) The number of cases of child abuse registered at the Child Development Unit was 3,361 in 2005.