1. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius signing the Second Revised Cotonou Agreement, which deletes the trade pillar which lapsed on 31 December 2007, removes all the Commodity Protocols and establishes a regional B-envelope at the level of each ACP region for humanitarian aid, emergency aid and post-emergency aid with a view to disbursing funds rapidly in cases of emergency.
2. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the visit of Mr Alain Joyandet, Secretary of State for Cooperation and the Francophonie of the Republic of France, on 7 June 2010. During the visit, Mr Joyandet and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade signed the Framework Agreement between Mauritius and France on the co-management of Tromelin and its surrounding waters and three conventions relating to the co-management of fishery resources, the protection of the environment and archaelogical research. Mr Joyandet also had working sessions on bilateral issues, including Cooperation in Renewable Energy, the Euro Crisis, Piracy in the Indian Ocean, the Economic Partnership Agreement, the political situation in Madagascar and the Comoros, and the reinforcement of the IOC Secretariat.
3. Cabinet has taken note that, in line with the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, a National Repository of Intangible Cultural Heritage would be set up at the National Heritage Fund. The objective of the National Repository would be to compile a National Register of all intangible cultural heritage, such as traditional sega, bhojpuri music and dance, sega tambour of Rodrigues and 'Sega typique Ilois' with a view to safeguarding the traditions. It would also help protect, promote and disseminate our rich intangible heritage for the coming generations and promote cultural tourism.
4. Cabinet has taken note of the renaming of the following schools –
(a) Bell Village State Secondary School after late Dr the Hon James Burty David, former Minister of Local Government, Rodrigues and Outer Islands; and
(b) Rivière du Rempart State Secondary School after late Mr Simadree Virahsawmy, active social worker and former Minister of Prices and Consumer Protection.
5. Cabinet has taken note that, according to the last statistical bulletin, some 71,055 tourists visited Mauritius in the month of May 2010 as compared to 64,761 for the corresponding period of 2009, i.e., an increase of 9.7%. The main tourist markets have registered growth as follows:
• France (+12.7%) • Reunion Island (+12.7%) • Republic of South Africa (+8.6%) • Republic of China (+20.5%) • India (+35.3%)
6. Cabinet has taken note of the list of Public Holidays for the year 2011.
New Year |
Saturday 01 January |
New Year |
Sunday 02 January |
Thaipoosam Cavadee |
Thursday 20 January |
Abolition of Slavery |
Tuesday 01 February |
Chinese Spring Festival |
Thursday 03 February |
Maha Shivaratree |
Wednesday 02 March |
National Day |
Saturday 12 March |
Ougadi |
Monday 04 April |
Labour Day |
Sunday 01 May |
Eid-Ul-Fitr** |
Wednesday 31 August |
Ganesh Chaturthi |
Friday 02 September |
Divali |
Wednesday 26 October |
All Saints Day |
Tuesday 01 November |
Arrival of Indentured Labourers |
Wednesday 02 November |
Christmas |
Sunday 25 December |
**The exact date of this festival is subject to confirmation as its celebration depends on the visibility of the moon.
7. Cabinet has taken note of the status in the implementation of the recommendations of the Presidential Commission constituted to examine and report on the structure and operation of the judicial and legal profession, commonly known as the Lord Mackay Report, which recommended changes to safeguard the independence and impartiality of the judiciary; for the just, humane, proper, efficient and economical disposal of civil and criminal business of the Courts; to make better provision for the ready access of the people of Mauritius to the Courts for the determination of their rights and remedying of their grievances; and to ensure that the Courts are well-equipped to adapt to changing social needs.
8. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministry of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare would launch a National Awareness Campaign on Gender Equality with a view to raising awareness on gender issues, gender equality, and the changing gender roles. The Awareness Campaign would be organized across the country in Women Centres, Social Welfare Centres, Community Centres, the National Women’s Council and the Local Authorities.
9. Cabinet has taken note that, in line with Government’s objective to popularise science, the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Science, Research and Technology would start a Caravane de la Science programme in Mauritius, as well as in Rodrigues, to popularise science and technology and promote the understanding of applied science and technology through hands-on activities. Activities of the Caravane would include, planetarium shows, talks and films on Science and a Science Bus equipped with interactive exhibits on the theme "We are One."
10. Cabinet has taken note of the activities that would be organised by the National Agency for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Substance Abusers (NATReSA), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life and other stakeholders, on the occasion of the 23rd International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking to be observed on 26 June, to sensitize young people of the harmful effects of drugs and of actions undertaken by NATReSA for the prevention of and to support cases of drug abuse, viz. -
(a) a Mega Activity at Swami Sivananda SSS, Bambous;
(b) a workshop on the theme “Fighting Substance Abuse: A Situation Analysis, Role of NGOs and New Challenges”;
(c) a caravan campaign for door-to-door distribution of pamphlets on HIV/AIDS and substance abuse;
(d) a “marche de conscientisation” from Grand River North West to Cité Jonction, Pailles;
(e) a “Vélo tout-terrain” followed by an Open Day at Flamboyant Therapeutic Centre, Solitude; and
(f) a Residential Week-end for parents of drugs abusers and those undergoing Methadone Substitution Therapy.
The theme chosen this year by the United Nations is THINK HEALTH - NOT DRUGS.
11. Cabinet has taken note that the COMESA Court of Justice Retreat would be held in Mauritius from 12 to 16 July 2010. The Retreat would review the current Strategic Plan of the Court and prepare a new Strategic Plan for the period 2010-2015, as well as consider amendments to the Rules of the COMESA Court of Justice. The holding of the Retreat would enhance the visibility of Mauritius as a centre for conflict resolution in the region.
12. Cabinet has taken note that, with a view to reaching a greater number of people before the peak of the winter season, the vaccination campaign against Influenza A(H1N1) would be decentralized to District and Community Hospitals, as well as to Area Health Centres across the country and in Rodrigues. The target group, which was initially health care workers, pregnant women and persons suffering from chronic medical conditions, would be extended to children aged 6 months to 2 years.
13. Cabinet has taken note of the vector surveillance activities undertaken, so far, by the Ministry of Health and Quality Life to control diseases transmitted by mosquitoes following reports of cases of Chikungunya in Madagascar and Reunion Island and Dengue fever in Comoros Islands. Surveillance of passengers arriving from the countries in the region has been reinforced and the thermal scanner at the airport has been reactivated to support the visual assessment carried out by Health Inspectors. The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life is -
(a) reinforcing fogging and larviciding operations particularly in regions where the density of mosquito population is high; and
(b) intensifying anti-mosquito and clean-up campaigns, particularly of bare, abandoned and waste lands.
14. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the mission of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade to Reunion Island on 8 June 2010, where he participated in the 26th Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Indian Ocean Commission which discussed cooperation in the following fields –
(a) Strategy, Politics and Diplomacy; (b) Economy, Trade and Infrastructure; (c) Fisheries, Agriculture and Energy; (d) Environment and Natural Resources; (e) Human Development and Regional Security; and (f) Culture and Society.
The Meeting also reviewed –
(a) the political crisis in Madagascar; (b) the creation of an economic and commercial space within the Indian Ocean Commission; and (c) sea piracy.
15. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment to Geneva where he participated in the 99th Session of the International Labour Conference which discussed, inter alia, the following:
(a) Decent work for domestic workers;
(b) HIV/AIDS in the world of work;
(c) The strategic objective of employment; and
(d) The 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
In the margins of the Conference, the Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment met, inter alia, Mr Juan Somavia, Director General of the ILO.
16. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the recent mission of the Attorney General to Uganda where he participated in the First Review Conference of the States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The Conference discussed amendments to the crime of aggression, the deletion of the war crimes opt-out, the criminalization of the use of certain weapons in situations of armed conflicts not of an international character and a stocktaking of international criminal justice.
In the margins of the Conference, the Attorney General had bilateral meetings, inter alia, with Mrs Fatoumata Dembele Diarra, Vice-President of the International Criminal Court.