1. Cabinet has taken note of the recommendations contained in the report of the Truth and Justice Commission, which are wide-ranging and cover a number of sensitive issues, and has agreed to the setting up of a High-Powered Committee, chaired by the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Economic Development, to look into their implementation. The Committee would comprise:
(a) the Minister of Housing and Lands;
(b) the Minister of Social Security, National Solidarity and Reform Institutions;
(c) the Minister of Education and Human Resources;
(d) the Minister of Fisheries and Rodrigues;
(e) the Minister of Local Government and Outer Islands;
(f) the Minister of Arts and Culture;
(g) the Attorney General;
(h) the Minister of Social Integration and Economic Empowerment; and
(i) the Minister of Gender Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare.
2. Cabinet has taken note of the criteria for the award of the six scholarships annually to promising athletes, as enunciated in Budget Speech 2012, to enable them to attain the highest level of performance in their respective disciplines. The scholarships would be open to Individual Olympic and Non-Olympic Sports, in the first instance, and the athletes, who should be between the age of 14 to 25, should have excelled at national and regional levels, and have the potential to reach the international level. The scholarship would cover living expenses and coaching fees abroad.
3. Cabinet has taken note that, since the introduction in April 2011 of the Water Tank Grant Scheme whereby households with a monthly income of Rs10,000 or less are provided a cash grant of Rs3,000 to procure a water tank, some 4,390 households have benefitted from the grant. With a view to assisting a larger number of households in the low income group, Cabinet has agreed to a review of the eligibility criteria. Henceforth, households with a monthly income of Rs12,000 or less would be eligible for a cash grant of Rs4,000 for the purchase of a water tank.
Cabinet has further taken note that an amount of Rs12m has been provided in the budgetary allocation of the Scheme for Rodrigues. The modalities for disbursement would be finalized in consultation with the Rodrigues Regional Assembly.
4. With a view to ensuring a sustainable water supply, Cabinet has taken note of the immediate measures taken, including the replacement of pipelines, to reduce non-revenue water and improve water supply in the Central Plateau, that is, the Mare aux Vacoas supply zone.
5. Cabinet has taken note that the Project Plan Committee has recommended six projects in the Water Sector to the tune of Rs599 million to address water supply deficiency during period of drought. The projects aim at –
(a) ensuring continuity and reliability of water supply throughout the country; and
(b) mobilizing additional water resources for a longer period of supply daily.
6. Cabinet has taken note that Christmas at national level would be held at Caudan Waterfront on 17 December 2011. The theme of the programme is Nativity. On the occasion, some 10 Christmas Carol Choirs from around the country would perform. Christmas would also be celebrated at regional level by the local authorities and socio-cultural organizations.
7. Cabinet has taken note of the establishment of the Observatoire de l’Industrie as ennunciated in Government Programme 2010-2015 to provide vital information on business activities through a portal with domain name http://www.industryobservatory.org/. The Observatoire would be regularly updated and linked to websites of international organizations.
8. With a view to empowering the vulnerable groups of the region of African Town, Riambel, Cabinet has agreed to the allocation of a plot of State land at Riambel to the Educational and Vocational Foundation for the establishment of workshops, and for conducting social and educational activities.
9. Cabinet has taken note of the outcome of the Third Political Consultation Mechanism between Mauritius and the Russian Federation held in Mauritius on 25 and 26 November 2011, when the following issues were discussed: UN Reform, Piracy, the Chagos Archipelago and Tromelin Island, political situation in the region, trade and investment, and cultural exchange.
10. Cabinet has taken note that the University of Mauritius and the World Trade Organisation Chairs Programme would hold an International Conference on Trade and Investment in Mauritius on 20 and 21 December 2011. The Conference would provide a forum to participants to critically analyse the latest thinking on international trade, investment, aid, regional integration, trade competitiveness, climate change, labour market issues and poverty. The theme of the Conference is Globalisation at Crossroads: Implications for the Developing World.
11. Cabinet has taken note of arrangements made for capacity building in the public sector. In this context, qualified public officers would be allowed to take up short and long term assignments with the African Center for Economic Transformation and Memoranda of Understanding on Internship Programmes would be signed with renown universities.
12. Following a request from the Ugandan authorities, Cabinet has agreed to the Government of the Republic of Mauritius and the Government of the Republic of Uganda signing of an Agreement for the transfer of prisoners. There are currently five Ugandan detainees in the prisons in Mauritius.
13. Cabinet has taken note that a Regional Coordination Centre for Marine Pollution and Hazardous and Noxious Substances Preparedness and Response in the Western Indian Ocean Region would be established in South Africa. The objective of the Regional Coordination Centre is, inter alia, to assist Member States in the development of their national capabilities for response to pollution incidents, facilitate exchange of information, technological cooperation and training in line with the Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region, adopted in Nairobi on 21 June 1985, and its Protocol concerning Cooperation in Combatting Marine Pollution in cases of Emergency in the Eastern African Region.
14. Cabinet has agreed to Mauritius ratifying the African Charter on the Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration which aims at, inter alia, ensuring quality, and innovative and transparent service delivery that meets the requirement of users, and promoting moral values inherent in the activities of public service agents.
15. Cabinet has taken note that Mr Jayprakash Roshansingh (Roshan) Seetohul of Rue Lees, Curepipe has been appointed Chairperson of the Development Bank of Mauritius Ltd.