1. Cabinet has today examined the 2013 PRB Report on the Review of Pay and Grading Structures and Conditions of Service in the:
(a) Civil Service;
(b) Parastatal and other Statutory Bodies and the Private Secondary Schools;
(c) Local Authorities;and
(d) Rodrigues Regional Assembly; and
agreed to the implementation, in toto, of the recommendations contained therein. The Report covers around 84,000 employees and 25,000 public service pensioners. The implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report would cost the Exchequer an overall amount of Rs 4.6 billion. In spite of the difficult economic situation, Government has agreed to effect full payment of the revised salaries as from 01 January 2013.
2 Consultations with Parties
Cabinet has also taken note that in the preparation of the Report, the PRB did not deviate from its consultative approach and its methodology based on job evaluation, which have been successfully applied in past reviews. A clear communication strategy was developed to secure stakeholder engagement and to ensure quick and frequent contacts with all parties. A very open approach was adopted where all employees, notwithstanding rank, could freely make submissions (oral and written) to the Director or any official of the Bureau. In all, some 360 Unions and 280 Organisations were consulted in the process. All submissions were critically examined by the staff of the Bureau before the formulation of any new recommendations. The Bureau also effected three visits to Rodrigues and a visit to Agalega for consultation purposes.
3 Major Orientations of the Report
Through its recommendations, the Bureau intends to:
(i) continue building a more efficient, effective and dedicated public sector entities, with simplified systems and processes and emphasis on accountability, responsibility and assimilation of technology;
(ii) provide a fair pay and such mechanism to additionally compensate for good performance and inculcate an outcome-oriented culture in public sector employees;
(iii) provide the necessary organisational set up for a seamless and customer centric service; and
(iv) equip the Public Service with personnel of sufficient quality to deliver on Government’s strategic objectives.
4 Strategies Adopted to attain the set objectives
The Bureau proposes to attain its intended objectives by:
(i) providing appropriate structures (levels) which are fit for purpose so that decision making and delivery is expedited by:
· reducing superfluous levels;
· merging layers where there is excessive overlapping of duties;
· creating levels for greater control/accountability on the basis of functional needs;
· adopting e-Government;
(ii) providing for training and development to equip people with right knowledge, skills, competencies and attitude to cope with challenges arising out of technological progress, societal demands and work environment;
(iii) aligning HR practices with performance (linking promotion, training and development, grant of increments on the basis of Performance Appraisal Report);
(iv) providing a competitive pay package (conditions of service, career path, development opportunities) that attracts, motivates and retains people with required skills in required numbers.
5 Major Considerations of the Report
In evolving the proposed pay package formula, the Bureau has taken into consideration the following:
(i) the capacity of the Government to pay;
(ii) the economic and financial development in the country;
(iii) the remuneration trends in the economy and market realities;
(iv) the need to retain experienced and scarce talents;
(v) the need to maintain an acceptable salary ratio of General Worker to Permanent Secretary;
(vi) the need to partially bridge the gap between Public Sector and Private Sector at the appropriate levels of the echelon, to facilitate recruitment and retention of required talents;
(vii) the need to establish fair relativities to maintain harmonious employee relations;
(viii) the erosion of purchasing power since the 2008 Pay Review;
(ix) the unparalleled job security, pension benefits, work life balance and status provided by public sector jobs; and
(x) the need to create an environment conducive to higher productivity.
6 Pay Comparisons
In the context of its 2013 Report, the Bureau made a comparison of remuneration between the public and private sector. The exercise revealed that, at the higher echelon (upper level) the Private Sector employees are much better paid as compared to the Public Sector. As regards professionals, Associate Professionals and Technicians (Middle Level), the pay level is more or less equivalent in both sectors though there are certain groups of Managers who are better remunerated in the Private Sector. However, at the lower level there is a pay lead for public sector employees.
7 Summary of main recommendations
The main recommendations of the Report include, inter-alia, the following:
7.1 Public Sector Management Reforms
The Bureau has emphasised the need to pursue the reforms of the public sector to enable it to meet the upcoming challenges.In this connection, it has made the following recommendations:
(i) Review of Organisational structures: Moving from multi-layered structures to flatter ones with polyvalent grades for the optimum utilisation of human resources;
(ii) Performance Management System: Introduction of a new reporting system to the Public Service Commission through the use of the Performance Appraisal Report of the officer with a view to inculcating a performance culture in the whole Public Sector;
(iii) Performance Related Incentive Scheme:
· The annual increment should be earned on the basis of performance. There is also a provision to grant more than the normal annual increment and a one-off bonus to officers for continuous high level performance over more than two years;
· Introduction of a Performance Related Incentive Scheme to compensate individuals or teams for their contributions in meeting targets.
(iv) Training and Development: The Bureau acknowledges the importance of training and development in equipping the Civil Service with able hands to deliver on set objectives and targets. A systematic approach to training and development has been recommended focussing on the acquisition of both technical and attitudinal competencies. Lifelong learning has been encouraged and responsibilities set for the employer, employees and the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms in the training functions;
(v) Review of Schemes of Service and Qualifications:
· the procedure for the prescription of schemes of service should be reviewed such that it may be prescribed within a period of four months;
· schemes of service for grades requiring same level of skills and competencies should be consolidated so as to reduce their number;
(vi) Special Provisions for Graduates and Professionals : With a view to providing incentives to graduates and professionals stagnating on their top salary for several years, provisions are being made for graduates and professionals as well as for officers of the level of Principal Assistant Secretary to move incrementally in the Master Salary Scale so as to ensure that the remuneration package of incumbents with relevant experience in the public sector is competitive and to link the grant of increment to more stringent performance criteria to bring about a performance oriented culture.
7.2 Recruitment and Promotion
(i) The Bureau supports the framing of a Civil Service Competency Framework by the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms with focus on behaviour and skills to be used for recruitment purposes.
(ii) The “Report on Fitness for Promotion”, which is an integral part of the Performance Appraisal Report, should be used as a basis for promotion purposes as from January 2013.
7.3 Recruitment and Retention in the Public Sector-
On the basis of the survey carried out to examine the evolution of the situation on recruitment and retention problems in the public sector, the following recommendations, inter alia, have been made to address ensuing challenges:
(a) posts to be re-advertised with new remuneration packages recommended in the 2013 Report;
(b) recruitment of retired officers in high scarcity areas on contractual basis subject to approval of the PSC;
(c) payment of allowances and allowing officers to join service at higher than initial entry points.
7.4 Part-Time Employment
Heads of Ministries/Departments and Chief Executives of Parastatal Bodies and Local Authorities may enlist the services of part-time employees in specific grades. However, such recruitment should be made according to the existing procedures as for full-time employees.
7.5 Retirement and Retirement Benefits
7.5.1 Defined Contribution Pension Scheme:
In view of the long term unsustainability of pension funds, a single Defined Contribution Pension Scheme is being introduced in respect of new entrants as from 01 January 2013.
7.5.2 The salient features of the Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Scheme are as follows:
(i) Government contribution into the dedicated Fund will be 12% of employee emoluments. The rate of contribution for new entrants shall be 6% of pensionable emoluments rounded to the nearest rupee.
(ii) The employee contribution of 6% would be deducted at source and paid into the dedicated Fund. The employee will have the possibility to increase his contribution.
Payment of Lump Sum
(iii) Payment of lump sum will be similar to that in the current arrangements but modalities will be decided by the Committee set up to manage the Fund.
(iv) The new scheme will be applicable to officers of the Civil Service, as well as Parastatal Bodies, Local Authorities, the Rodrigues Regional Assembly and Private Secondary Schools.
Management of Fund
(v) An Investment Committee comprising representatives of Government, Labour Unions and major stakeholders will be set up to manage the Fund and set the modalities.
(vi) Pending the establishment of a proper regulatory framework, the administration and management of the Fund will be entrusted to SICOM.
Contractual Employment
(vii) Consideration would be given to officers employed on a contractual basis to contribute to the Defined Contribution Pension Scheme. Government will not contribute in respect of contractual employees.
7.5.3 The new scheme involves a shift from a defined benefit scheme for officers in post to a defined contribution scheme for new entrants. There is need to maintain equity and fairness between civil servants at present and future entrants who would be on different pension scheme. To drive the reform, there is, therefore, need for an institutional set up to work out the details.
7.5.4 The Bureau has recommended the setting up of a Committee under the Chairmanship of the Financial Secretary and comprising different stakeholders including staff members to work out the implementation details of the Defined Contribution (DC) Pension Scheme in the Public Sector.
7.5.5 Special Provision for officers who reckon at least 33 1/3 years of pensionable service:
(i) Employees reckoning more than 33 1/3 years of service continue to work up to the normal date of retirement as per the transitional table without any additional compensation although they continue to contribute 6 % of their emoluments.
(ii) The PRB has consequently recommended that, at time of retirement, a one-off payment equivalent to 2 % of their annual pensionable emoluments be effected to employees appointed on or before 30 June 2008 and in post as at 01 January 2013 for each completed year of pensionable service beyond 33 1/3 years of service as from 01 January 2013.
7.6 Public Service Pension
Pension of retired public officers will be recomputed on the basis of the revised emoluments as from 01 January 2013.
7.7 E-Government
(i) The Bureau has emphasised the use of ICT and e-Government at the workplace with a view to modernizing the Public Sector. The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), along with Ministries/Departments/Organisations, should continue to develop strategies to unleash the potential for the total realisation of all e-Govt possibilities, to rethink on processes that can be changed so as to enable all citizens, organisations and enterprises to carry out their business electronically with Government more easily, more quickly and at lower costs and to adopt the simple philosophy that “whatever services that can be delivered electronically must be delivered electronically”. Recommendation has also been made for senior officers (Chief Executives and their immediate subordinates) to be provided with training in ICT.
(ii) The Bureau has also recommended the creation of a high level position of Chief Technical Officer, ICT on the establishment of the MICT. The incumbent would be responsible for the overall management of the Ministry’s technical divisions/units. A designate position of “Head, ICT” is being provided in every Ministry/Department/Organisation to lead e-Government projects and e-Initiatives in the specific sector.
7.8 Conditions of Service
7.8.1 Travelling and Car Benefits
(i) While the Bureau has maintained the existing provisions for the grant of duty exemption, recommendations have been made to further extend this benefit to employees at the lower levels as follows:
(a) officers, aged 50 years or more, reckoning at least 22 years’ service who are entitled to a travel grant will be allowed, once in their career, to take advantage of 70% duty-exempted car together with loan facilities.
(b) Confidential Secretaries who are aged 50 years or more; reckon at least 22 years’ service; and have reached the top of the salary scale of the grade; will be eligible, only once, for the purchase of a 70% duty exempted car of up to 1400 cc together with loan facilities.
(ii) Judges would now renew their official car every four years instead of three years. However, they would be allowed to renew their family car every seven years. Other officers who are at present eligible for a family car, over and above their official car, once in their career, would also be allowed to renew the family car every seven years.
(iii) Interest on loan for the purchase of motor vehicles has been reduced from 7.5% to 4% per annum.
7.8.2 Leave
The existing provisions for Leave have been maintained to allow organisations to operate without major disruption and officers to cater for their different needs. However, the quantum of Injury Leave has been increased for officers not holding a substantive appointment and the Injury Leave scheme has been reviewed.
7.8.3 Risk Insurance and Compensation
(i) The Bureau has laid emphasis on the need to protect the safety and health of employees. It has also placed obligations on both management and employees for ensuring that the workplace remains safe.
(ii) The provision for compensation in respect of occupational accidents has been maintained. The ceiling for payment of compensation linked to:
(a) permanent incapacity has been revised from Rs 1 million to Rs 1.3 million; and
(b) fatal cases has been revised from Rs 1.5 million to Rs 2 million.
7.8.4 Funeral Grant
The quantum of the Funeral Grant payable to the heirs/nearest relative of public officers who pass away while still in service has been revised from Rs 3000 to Rs 6000.
7.8.5 Foreign Service Allowance and other Related Allowances
(i) The Bureau has revised the quantum of Foreign Service Allowance and other related allowances to staff posted in our overseas missions, based on relative comparative costliness index between Mauritius and the different cities and the cumulative rate of inflation in each city, as shown hereunder:
Foreign Service Allowance |
increased in range of 8% to 35% (35% Addis Ababa – 8% Euro Zone) |
Entertainment Allowance |
5% increase |
Rent & Utilities |
increased in the range of 5% to 15%. |
(ii) The Bureau has also recommended that:
(a) the Foreign Service Committee considers a review of the Foreign Service Allowance when the inflation rate in the country of posting at a given period of time exceeds by 100% the rate of inflation in Mauritius;
(b) full charges of Rent and Utilities should continue to be paid to Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Permanent Representatives;
(c) Supervising Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade may revise ceiling of Rent and Utilities subject to maximum of 15% in urgent cases on new postings/renewal of lease agreement;
(d) School fees for dependent children of home-based staff be refunded
· at rate of 60%;
· at rate of 80% where the medium of teaching is neither English nor French and children are admitted to international schools;
(e) Medical expenses refunded at rate of 90% on presentation of medical certificate. 100% refund in case of hospitalisation for surgical intervention for officer, spouse and dependent children aged up to 20 years.
7.9 Salary Recommendations
7.9.1 General Worker
(i) The basic salary of General Worker in post has been revised from
Rs 6425 at the initial and Rs 10200 at the top, to Rs 7400 at the initial and Rs 12800 at the top.
(ii) The General Worker/Permanent Secretary salary ratio which was set at 1:8.6 in 2008 has dropped to 1:7.7 today following the various salary compensations that the General Worker has earned since 2008. With this Report, the General Worker/Permanent Secretary pre-tax salary ratio would be 1:8.9. The post-tax salary ratio works out to 1:8.2.
(iii) A full-time employee who, after payment of pension contribution and excluding normal increment, earns an increase of less than Rs 1000 should be paid a monthly allowance to bring the increase to Rs 1000. This allowance should lapse with the grant of subsequent annual increments.
7.9.2 Salary of Graduates and Professionals
(i) Generally, the salaries of Graduates and Professionals have been upgraded in order to attract and retain candidates of the right calibre. They have been granted initial salaries ranging from Rs 22500 to
Rs 26250 and top salary of Rs 48600 a month.
(ii) The Special Professional Retention Allowance recommended in the 2008 PRB Report in respect of the Engineering, Architecture and Quantity Surveying Cadres, Planners, Electrical Engineers and Engineers has been maintained.
7.9.3 The Judiciary, Attorney-General’s Office and Office of the DPP
(i) In order to attract and recruit officers of the right profile and calibre and to retain experienced officers in the grades of District Magistrate, State Counsel and State Attorney, the negotiable entry point for new entrants in their respective grades is being maintained.
(ii) The Special Judicial Service Allowance and the Special Legal Service Allowance for Judicial and Legal Officers have been maintained.
(iii) A Retention Scheme has also been recommended for Senior Officers of the State Law Office.
7.9.4 Administrative Cadre
(i) The present modes of appointment to the grades of Permanent Secretary, Senior Chief Executive and Secretary for Home Affairs have been maintained.
(ii) The Bureau has also recommended that the provisions regarding mode of appointment, tenure of office and leadership capabilities would continue to equally apply for Chief Executives of Public Departments, Parastatal Bodies and Local Authorities.
7.9.5 Mauritius Police Force
A Special Retention Allowance has been introduced for Police Officers performing as Air Pilot, Engineer (Aeronautical, Electronic, Civil, Mechanical, Environmental) and Watchkeeper at the NCG. The initial salary of the grade of Police Constable has been upgraded by one increment as incumbents are required to follow a Certificate Course in Police Studies as part of their training. The night duty allowance and diving allowance have been reviewed and the quantum of existing allowances, including Bodyguard Allowance payable to Police Offices posted at the VIPSU has been revised.
7.9.6 MauritiusPrison Service
A grade of Female Assistant Commissioner of Prisons and a grade of Principal Hospital Officer (Female) have been created. A departmental grade of “Lead Prisons Officer” has been created for Prisons Officer/Senior Prisons Officer who have completed 15 years’ of service. Existing allowances have been maintained whilst their quantum revised.
7.9.7 Ministry of Education and Human Resources
For the Education Sector, the Bureau has made the following recommendations:
(i) In view of the need for higher learning and improving basic education standards in the Primary Sector, the Ministry of Education and Human Resources should hold discussion with the staff side and the MIE to establish topping up programmes for Teachers/Educators leading to the obtention of a Degree.
(ii) Vacancies in the grade of Head Master would continue to be filled on the basis of the scheme of service prevailing as at 30 June 2008, pending the prescription of the revised scheme of service.
(iii) Payment of an allowance equivalent to one increment has been recommended to Teacher/Senior Teacher and Teacher/Senior Teachers (OL) who cannot get a promotion to the level of Deputy Head Master/Deputy Head Teacher (OL) before retirement;
(iv) Trainee Educators (Primary) would henceforth be refunded travelling expenses by bus (currently they are paid an all-inclusive allowance)
(v) For the Secondary Sector it has been recommended that:
(a) the implementation of Educators’ Licence; Post Graduate Certificates in Education; Diploma in Management or Educational Management be deferred up till such time as deemed appropriate by the Ministry of Education and HR.
(b) assignment of duties as Head of Department be based on number of years of service,
(c) an allowance equivalent to three increments at the point of salary reached be paid to the most senior Educator (Secondary) (Prevoc) assigned duties of Officer-in-Charge (Prevoc).
(d) Educators reckoning over 20 years service be allowed to take vacation leave in excess of 19 days during term time on a maximum of two occasions under criteria “for any other case” ( paragraph 22.96 (c) (vii)).
7.9.8 Health Sector
(i) The present structure at the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life has been maintained except for the re-styling of a few grades; revision of the existing allowances and recommendation for a few new allowances, wherever required. In line with the general policy of delayering, a few grades are being merged to ensure the effective delivery of health services. However, on the basis of operational needs, the grades of National Diabetes Coordinator and Chief Health Promotion and Research Coordinator have been created to head the Diabetes and Vascular Health Centre and Health Promotion Units respectively.
(ii) The following additional recommendations have also been made for an effective health delivery service:
(a) The shift system for Medical and Health Officer/Senior Medical and Health Officers be effectively put into practice;
(b) Recruitment of Specialist/Senior Specialist in the fields of Public Health, Emergency Medicine and Primary Health Care;
(c) Dental services to be provided after normal working hours during weekdays and weekends;
(d) Setting up of a Pharmacovigilance Unit and increasing the establishment size of Principal Pharmacist;
(e) The introduction of Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians, Nursing Officers, Medical Imaging Technologists and Radiation Therapists and upgrading the salaries by two increments after inserting a QB;
(f) Extending the Bank Pharmacy Technician to officers of the Pharmacy Technician cadre.
(g) Provision for allowance to Nursing Officers and Charge Nurses for possessing the Post Basic Midwifery Certificate.
(h) Extension of risk allowance to officers of the Nursing Officers cadre and Midwifery cadre posted to the pre-natal and labour ward
(i) Rationalising the Night Attendance Bonus.
(j) Medical Imaging Assistants (Personal) formerly Radiographic Assistant (Personal) be given the fresh option to join the grade of Medical Imaging Assistants (shift) formerly Radiographic Assistant (shift);
(k) Provision of In-Attendance allowance to Dental Assistants for working after normal working hours;
(l) Upgrading the salaries of officers in the Health Records Clerk and Health Records Officers cadres respectively;
(m) Upgrading the salaries of Science Diploma holders from Rs 35400 to Rs 36600.
(n) Provision has also been made for the setting up of a “Bank of Hospital Care Attendants” whereby employees in the cadre who are off duty, on leave, or on retirement may be placed on ‘standby’ and called upon to work, whenever the need is felt, with a view to avoiding disruption in the smooth delivery of services
7.9.9 General Services
(i) In line with international best practice, the organisation structure of the cadres, under the aegis of the Ministry of Civil Service & AR has been further delayered with the merging of several grades
(ii) Appointment to the post of Deputy Director will now be by selection from Manager, Human Resources and Human Resource Management Officer.
(iii) The grades of Officer and Senior Officer have been restyled General Services Officer and General Services Executive respectively.
(iv) Word Processing Operators and Senior Word Processing Operators not possessing the prescribed qualifications for the grade of General Services Officer have been given the opportunity to opt to follow an Award Course to be mounted by the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms to better equip them to perform the duties of General Services Officer. On successful completion of the Award Course they would be allowed to join the grade and would be granted one increment on joining.
(v) Provision has been made for the grant of two increments on reaching the top of their salary scale, instead of one, to Confidential Secretaries who have successfully completed the Advanced Secretarial Course.
7.9.10 Parastatal Bodies
(i) The Bureau has looked into and addressed the specific problems in the 92 parastatal organisations reported upon by the PRB.
(ii) The General Services has been streamlined through the provision of multi-functional grades of General Services Officer and General Services Executive. Consequently, certain general services grades have been made evanescent. Provision has also been made for the mounting of appropriate training courses for officers in relevant grades as well as for Confidential Secretaries.
(iii) To ensure the enlistment and retention of high calibre professionals in the fields such as Engineering and Planning, recommendation has been made for a higher point of entry for professionals in scarcity areas along with the grant of the Special Professional Retention Allowance for officers in the Engineering cadre.
7.9.11 Local Authorities
(i) The structure of the General Services, the Internal Control cadre as well as the Financial Operations and Procurement and Supply cadres in the Local Authorities have been reviewed and aligned, to the extent that it is possible and practical, with what obtains in the Civil Service. The structure of the IT Section has equally been redesigned to meet the organisational needs of the Local Authorities.
(ii) Officers of the General Services will be provided with learning and development opportunities and in recognition of their efforts, provisions for extra compensation have been made. The scheme of service of the grade of Health Inspector has also been reviewed.
(iii) A system of “Bank of Refuse Collectors” is being introduced to palliate shortage of staff and meet with workload in the Refuse Collection Service.
7.9.12 Rodrigues Regional Assembly (RRA)
(i) For the RRA, emphasis has been laid on providing a befitting organisation structure that would improve effectiveness and performance and cater for its specificity. To ensure sustainable staff development and to improve performance at all levels, the Bureau has provided the RRA with a professional Human Resource cadre to discharge the Human Resource functions efficiently and effectively. The General Services has been streamlined through the provision of multi-functional grades of General Services Officer and General Services Executive. Provision for training is being made to better equip existing human resources to assume changed, added and new responsibilities. A few grades are being created and others restyled, alignment made wherever relevant, along similar lines as obtained for their counterparts in the Civil Service.
(ii) The Bureau has recommended that the RRA should consider the advisability of employing doctors on contractual basis to serve the Medical Board and effect domiciliary visits to the elderly and disabled persons.
8 Effective Date
The Report will be implemented as from 01 January 2013.
9 Implementation and Post Review Mechanism
(i) A holistic approach has been adopted and this Report has to be treated as an organic whole since all the recommendations on pay and conditions of service, benefits, contained therein are inextricably intertwined. The recommendations are provided as a package (pay, conditions of service and organisation design) and they cannot be treated separately nor can they be implemented piecemeal
(ii) The Bureau will make appropriate arrangements to assist any concerned party in the implementation phase.
(iii) All cases of errors and omissions including those reported upon for immediate actions would be compiled and integrated in an Errors, Omissions and Clarification Report that would be published within a period of twelve months as from the date of implementation of the main Report.
(iv) Ministries/Departments/Organisations have been urged to complete the implementation process of all recommendations contained in this Report, to the extent possible, in a given time frame of 24 months.
10 Other Pertinent Issues and Recommendations
(i) The following special recommendations have been made for officers with disabilities:
(a) improvements should continue to be made in all office structures and amenities to render work environment user-friendly for employees with disabilities and to ensure them easy access to their place of work;
(b) employees with disabilities should, as far as possible, be posted near their place of residence;
(c) their annual casual leave entitlement will be 12 days (compared to 11 days for other officers);
(d) employees with disabilities travelling by bus to reach their place of work be allowed to leave office 15 minutes earlier subject to exigencies of the service; and
(e) refund of travelling by bus to attend duty should be by the most practical route though not the most economical one.
(ii) In line with Government policy with regard to ‘equal opportunities’, neutral appellations to the extent possible have been adopted. In the disciplined forces in particular as well as in other sectors, managerial positions have been made accessible to female candidates.
11. Cabinet has decided to release the Report immediately. The complete Report is available on the following websites:
(ii) Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms –
2. Cabinet has taken note that the Ministerial Committee on the relocation of hawkers, chaired by the Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping, met this morning and has agreed to the relocation of the hawkers at Immigration Square and at the CWA building and the building occupied by the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, National Development Unit, Land Transport and Shipping at Victoria Square.
Cabinet has also taken note that the representatives of hawkers have agreed to the sites proposed. Immediate action will be taken to provide the necessary amenities at these sites so as to enable hawkers to start their operation as soon as possible.